SEO Audit Service

Improve your Search Engine Visibility & Performance with Uvisible’s Comprehensive SEO Audit Services

Uvisible specialises in conducting detailed keyword audits that set the roadmap for your website's organic traffic and helps you drive tons of SEO traffic and conversions.

Local SEO


Perfect for Small and Local Businesses

On Page SEO Audit Service

On Page SEO Audit Service includes analysis on

  • Page Titles
  • Meta Tags
  • Heading Tags
  • On-page content
  • Image Optimization
  • Internal Links
  • HTML Sitemap
  • URL Optimization
  • Content & Page Duplicity
Off Page SEO Audit Service

Off-page SEO audit includes:

  • Domain Authority
  • Domain Rank
  • Number of Backlinks
  • Competitor Analysis
SEO Technical Audit Service

Technical SEO audit covers:

  • Broken Links
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • XML Sitemaps
  • Robots.txt
  • Page speed analysis
  • Redirect checks
  • Website security
  • Canonicalization
Keyword Audit (Limited)       
  • Keywords Audit by Search Volume
  • Keywords Audit by Relevancy
  • Keywords Audit by Difficulty
Final SEO Audit Report

The Website SEO Audit report will explain every aspect of your website's current SEO situation and also include recommendations and roadmap for your SEO journey.

Start Up


Best for Bloggers / Start-Ups / Small Businesses with a limited budget.

On Page SEO Audit Service

On Page SEO Audit includes analysis on

  • Page Titles
  • Meta Tags
  • Heading Tags
  • On-page content
  • Image Optimization
  • Internal Links
  • HTML Sitemap
  • URL Optimization
  • Content & Page Duplicity
Off Page SEO Audit

Off-page SEO audit includes:

  • Domain Authority
  • Domain Rank
  • Number of Backlinks
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Anchor Text Analysis
  • Good vs Bad Backlinks
  • Backlinks Balance
SEO Technical Audit Service

Technical SEO audit covers:

  • Broken Links
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • XML Sitemaps
  • Robots.txt
  • Page speed analysis
  • Redirect checks
  • Website security
  • Crawl Errors
  • Canonicalization
Keywords Audit & Research  (Limited)      
  • Keywords Audit by Search Volume
  • Keywords Audit by Relevancy
  • Keywords Audit by Difficulty
  • Keywords Audit vis a vis Competitors
  • On-Page Keywords Targeting
  • Keywords to URL Mapping
  • New Keyword Recommendations (Limited)
  • Keywords Cannibalization Check
Penalty Identification (If Any)

A website may lost its ranking and traffic after being penalized by Google's algorithm update. Our SEO Audit service identifies if your website is penalized or not and also recommends ways to come out of such penalties.

Competitor Analysis (1)

We analyze one of your competitors (on-page, off-page, technical) and find out why they are doing better than us and recommend changes that will help your website improve.

  • Keywords Analysis
  • Content Strategy
  • Top Pages
  • Backlinks Analysis
  • Internal Linking Strategy
  • Take-aways
Content Analysis

Content is the King and we analyze the content of your website and also suggest you ways to improve your content quality to rank better.

  • Length of the Content
  • Topic Coverage & Relevancy
  • Content Duplicity
  • Keyword Utilization
  • Competitor's Content Analysis
Email Consultation
If you have any questions and concerns, we would he happy to respond via email support
Final SEO Audit & Action Report
The Website SEO Audit report will explain every aspect of your website's current SEO situation and also recommendations and roadmap for the SEO journey.



Suitable for content sites, ecommerce, big companies with the goal to drive tons of traffic.

On Page SEO Audit

On Page SEO Audit includes analysis on

  • Page Titles
  • Meta Tags
  • Heading Tags
  • On-page content
  • Image Optimization
  • Internal Links
  • HTML Sitemap
  • URL Optimization
  • Content & Page Duplicity
Off Page SEO Audit

Off-page SEO audit includes:

  • DA, DR, Trust Flow benchmarking
  • Backlinks
    • Number of Backlinks
    • Backlinks Relevancy & Balance
    • Dofollow vs Nofollow
    • Image vs Text
    • Anchor Text Analysis
    • Location
    • PBN Checks
    • Links farm Check
    • Links to discard/disavow
  • Competitor Analysis
    • Competitor Strategy and Strong points
  • Further Backlinks Strategy
    • Anchor text strategy
    • Pages to target
    • Low hanging fruits
SEO Technical Audit Service

Technical SEO audit covers:

  • Broken Links
  • Mobile Responsiveness
  • XML Sitemaps
  • Robots.txt
  • Redirect checks
  • Website security
  • Canonicalization
  • Crawling & Indexing
  • Flash/JS/iFrames/AJAX Checks
  • Page speed analysis & Recommendations
  • HTML Errors & Recommendations
  • UI and UX Recommendations
Keyword Research & Mapping    
  • Keywords Audit by Search Volume
  • Keywords Audit by Relevancy
  • Keywords Audit by Difficulty
  • Keywords Audit vis a vis Competitors
  • On-Page Keywords Targeting
  • Keywords to URL Mapping
  • Keywords Priority
  • Keywords Cannibalization Check
  • New Keyword Recommendations (Limited)
  • Content Ideas to target keywords
Penalty Identification (If Any)

A website may lost its ranking and traffic after being penalized by Google's algorithm update. Our SEO Audit service identifies if your website is penalized or not and also recommends ways to come out of such penalties.

Competitor Analysis (3-5)

We analyze your competitors (3) for every aspect (on-page, off-page, technical) and come up with recommendations on what they are doing good and our recommendations are based on this analysis

  • Keywords Analysis
  • Content Strategy
  • Top Pages
  • Backlinks Analysis
  • Internal Linking Strategy
  • Take-aways
Content Analysis & Roadmap

Content is the King and we analyze the content of your website and also suggest you ways to improve your content quality to rank better.

  • Length of the Content
  • Topic Coverage & Relevancy
  • Content Duplicity
  • Keyword Utilization
  • Competitor's Analysis & Recommendations
  • Content Ideas (5 Topics)
SEO Strategy & Roadmap

This is not a usual SEO Audit conducted for FREE or by a tool. This is an audit + SEO strategy that would set the path for your website's traffic journey.

We will not only tell you what is wrong but will also share a step by step action plan that includes keywords, URLs, content topics, backlink strategies and much more.


Final SEO Audit & Action Report
The Website SEO Audit report will explain every aspect of your website's current SEO situation and also recommendations and roadmap for the SEO journey.
Implementation Support

We understand that sometimes the website owners do not know every bit of SEO and might need help in implementing the recommendations.

As a part of our SEO Audit service, we help you implement our recommendations.

Email + Call Consulting Hours 

This is a comprehensive website SEO audit report, strategy and road map.

We understand that you would need some hand-holding and guidance in understanding as well as implementing the recommendations.

As a part of the enterprise package, we would walk you through the entire recommendations via a 2 hours call (Skype/Zoom/Other) and also support via Email if needed.

The Website SEO Audit Services is conducted by a highly experienced SEO audit team with extensive On-page and Off-page SEO experience.

Why your Website needs SEO Audit Service?

Competitors Ranking

It might be challenging for websites to figure out why they are ranked lower than competitors despite offering comparable goods or services.


As a result, it's crucial to use an SEO audit services agency, as doing so will provide you with a comprehensive analysis of your competition's website and illuminate how they vary from your own.

Complete Content Review

SEO Audit services review all your website content and highlight pertaining issues by categorizing your content in terms of quality.


By SEO audit you can easily know your underachieving or thin content against the quality content which needs slight refinement.

Traffic Analysis

You must have witnessed a downward blip in your traffic. But, you wouldn’t be able to pinpoint the exact reasons for such loss.


In such situations availing an SEO Audit services agency can be of great help as it cross-checks all the technical, on-page, and off-page SEO elements and after detailed research provides the correct explanation for such traffic drop.

Conversion Rates

Any website that wants to succeed and earn profit needs to have a high conversion rate. Poor user experience is the primary reason why even popular websites seldom see great conversion rates and cause a higher bounce rate.


You can keep tabs on this kind of user behavior with the help of SEO audit services, then adapt your site's features and content to boost conversions.

Link-Building Process

Link building is a pivotal component that increases your site’s authority, ranking, and traffic.


Through, SEO audit service you could check and evaluate your backlinks in terms of quality, as it will help you to remove unwanted links and facilitate building an effective link-building campaign from credible sources.

Staying Up-to-date 

Search engine algorithms encounter numerous updates from time to time.


Through SEO audit services you can easily check whether your website or the content fulfills all the update requirements or not.

Ensure Long-Term Success

An SEO audit performed by a qualified SEO audit services agency will assist you in developing a long-term SEO plan that will maintain your website optimised for search engines.


This will help you in maintaining or even improving the search engine rankings, traffic, and leads for your website.

Identifying Technical Issues

Broken links, sluggish page load times, and mobile responsiveness concerns can all be identified by an SEO audit services agency.


By addressing technical SEO audit services and issues, you may enhance the user experience and search engine rankings of your website.

Looking for Content Gaps

An SEO audit services agency may assist you in identifying content gaps on your website that can be addressed with relevant, keyword-optimized material.


You may generate more organic visitors and boost your website's search engine results by filling these gaps.

Maximize ROI

By identifying areas of your website that may be enhanced for higher search engine exposure, an SEO audit services agency can help you maximise your return on investment.


By increasing the exposure of your website, you may generate more leads and turn more visitors into paying clients.

Why Hire Uvisible for SEO Audit Service?

Right Keywords Selection

It is a crucial part of Uvisible’s SEO Audit Service. We analyze industry trends, target audiences, and competition to identify relevant and specific keywords. By integrating these keywords strategically, we improve website visibility and drive targeted traffic for our clients.
We understand your business stage accordingly we work with you to determine the right mix of long-tail and short-tail keywords for your business. We track your progress and make adjustments to your keyword strategy as needed.
Here are some of the benefits of working with Uvisible on your keyword research:
  • We have a team of experienced SEO experts who can help you identify the right keywords for your business.
  • We use a variety of tools and techniques to research keywords, including Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and SEMrush.
  • We provide you with a detailed report of our findings, including a list of recommended keywords, as well as suggestions for how to use them on your website.
  • We work with you to implement our recommendations and track your progress.


Uvisible is an SEO audit services agency noted for its low prices and proactive approach to boosting its clients' search engine visibility.


So, whenever you decide to buy SEO audit services, we will provide you with customizable pricing plans to match each client's individual goals and budget, making buy SEO audit services appealing to businesses of all sizes.

Identify & Fix Technical Issues

Uvisible takes pride in its technical SEO audit service as it identifies any technical issues present in a website, including broken links, missing alt tags, and crawl errors that may prevent search engines from properly indexing the site.


Uvisible with a decade of experience in the field of SEO knows how to deploy its services as an SEO audit services agency consisting of keyword audit services, analysing the website's content, and meta tags to ensure that they are optimized for search engines and provide actionable recommendations for improvement. 


Earn a Competitive Edge

As an SEO audit services agency, we will provide your business insights into what your competitors are doing right and where they may be lacking.


This can help you identify areas where you can differentiate yourself and gain a competitive edge in the industry.

Stay Updated

SEO is a dynamic field and Uvisible as an SEO audit services agency very well understands it. \


Our SEO keyword audit service and SEO tech audit service will ensure that your website is following the latest guidelines and recommendations from search engines.



Uvisible through its SEO analysis service provides data and insights on the performance of your websites such as the number of visitors, bounce rate, and conversion rate.


This can help you measure the effectiveness of your SEO efforts and make data-driven decisions for improvement.


Team of Professionals

At Uvisible we have a seasoned SEO team that is highly trained in this marketing strategy.


We as an SEO audit services agency will surely boost your website's search engine rankings and attract more visitors, as our team meticulously analyses your day-to-day performance and online visibility and creates a report detailing its findings.


Proactive Approach

We proactively handle SEO analysis services, doing a thorough examination of your website's SEO performance, including technical concerns, keyword audit services, content gaps, and off-page optimization.


Based on the results of the SEO audit, Uvisible creates a bespoke plan targeted to the unique objectives and goals of your website. As an SEO audit services agency, we also provide continuing help, such as regular check-ins, performance monitoring, and necessary tweaks to your SEO approach.


Uvisible Specialises in These SEO Analysis Services!

Keyword Audit

Uvisible specialises in conducting an SEO keyword audit service as an SEO audit services agency.


This involves determining the most relevant keywords for your company and ensuring that they are correctly integrated into the text, metadata, and other crucial components of your website.


We may assist in boosting your search engine visibility and generating more organic visitors by optimising your website for the correct keywords.

Technical Audit

Uvisible may also do an SEO tech audit service on your website. This entails a thorough examination of your website's technical features, such as page load speed, mobile friendliness, URL structure, and others.


As an SEO audit services agency, we can assist enhance your website's user experience and search engine visibility by discovering and resolving technical issues.

Website Audit

By combining the keyword audit service and technical SEO audit service we as an SEO audit services agency provide a holistic website audit service that completely analyses your website's SEO performance.


This involves an assessment of the content, structure, and overall user experience of your website. We can also assist you with optimising your website for improved search engine visibility and user experience by finding areas for improvement.

Competitor Analysis

Barring our affordable pricing structure when it comes to buying SEO audit services, competitor analysis is another area of expertise for Uvisible.


We may detect your rivals' strengths and shortcomings and utilise this knowledge to help you design a personalised SEO strategy by thoroughly examining their websites.


This might include selecting new keywords to target, updating your website's content, or optimising the technical parts of your website to boost search engine exposure.

What more Benefits do you Get with Uvisible as your SEO Audit Services Agency?

  • Increased website traffic and leads
  • Improved search engine rankings for targeted keywords
  • More visibility leads to brand exposure
  • A stronger online presence to compete with your rivals
  • 10 Years of Experience
  • Comprehensive On-Page, Off-Page, and Technical SEO Audit.
  • Seasoned SEO Team
  • Extensive Competitor Analysis
  • Full-Proof Strategy with Actionable Improvements
  • Overall Digital Marketing Strategy Tips



Have you also Spent Thousands of Dollars on your SEO Strategy?

But couldn’t Get the Desired Results and Rankings!

Buy SEO Audit Services Now! 

And, Get a Chance to Have a Chat with Our SEO Audit Experts Today! 


Q1. Why should I get SEO done from Uvisible?

The Website SEO Audit Services conducted by Uvisible is not the usually automated SEO report available freely on the Internet. While we use a few paid tools like Ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush, Screaming Frog, etc but this is a manual and comprehensive SEO audit that weighs every possible SEO element that helps your website rank in top positions.

Q2. How many pages do you include in SEO Audit Service?

The number of pages covered depends on the kind of site and the plan you select. Our objective is to set the SEO roadmap for you and your team and we try to cover all sorts of pages.

Q3. Is this SEO Audit generated by any tool?

No, this is not an automated report. While we use a few paid tools like Ahrefs, Moz, SEMrush, Majestic, etc but this is a manual and comprehensive SEO audit that weighs every possible SEO element that helps your website rank in top positions and drives organic traffic.

Q4. Do you need special access to my website?

We do not usually ask for access to your website but we definitely need access (read-only) to Google Analytics and Google Search Console accounts. The SEO Audit includes your current traffic, keyword audit, rankings, and website elements via these tools and shares recommendations after our analysis.

Q5. What if I have questions about my SEO Audit Report?

Our vision is to serve you better and help your cause. You can email us your questions and we will be happy to respond. We provide 2 hours Skype/Zoom/Etc screen-sharing calls in our enterprise plan and you can ask as many as questions during that call. 

Q6. How does this SEO Audit process work?

Once you select a plan and submit an order, we get in touch with you and take the details we want via a questionnaire. We complete the website SEO audit in the given days and reach out to you if we have any questions. We submit the report and run you through it over an email/call.

Q7. In which format is the SEO Audit report provided?

Our SEO Audit service report is prepared using a PowerPoint presentation, a few excel files, images, and MS Word files. The objective is to keep things simple and easy to understand. Once the audit is complete, we run you through these files so that you can understand and use the recommendations.

Q8. How can I pay for the SEO Audit?

You can Pay us via Paypal, Payoneer, or Wire Transfer. You have to pay 100% in advance.

Q9. How long does it take?

The SEO audit takes anywhere from 2-7 days depending on the plan you select and how big is your website. This SEO audit service includes every possible recommendation that we think will be useful in improving website ranking, traffic, and business for you.

Q10. Do you help in implementing the recommendations?

Yes, we would love to help you implement the website changes given in our SEO Audit report. After all, our business becomes successful only after you implement the recommendations and see improvement in the rankings and traffic.

Q11. Do you Audit Adult/Dating/Gambling websites?

Yes, we do website SEO audits of all categories. However, not everyone on our team is comfortable auditing such websites. This can increase the number of days required to share the SEO audit report.